Treasure can be found in some of the most unexpected places…
After fleeing from God, Jonah could only find salvation by being thrown overboard into the chaos of the storm and allowing himself to be swallowed by the great fish.
The three youths of Babylon, who refused to worship an idol, could only find redemption by being thrown into the chaos of the fiery furnace.
Christ, the Son of God, could only find life by dying on the cross and entering into the chaos of death.
Children can only grow and mature by leaving their mother’s care and entering into the chaos of the world.
Treasure is found only when we grasp the courage to enter into the chaos.
What’s holding you back? What chaos are you afraid to enter? What treasure lies within?
P.S. Join us on our Journey!
St. Elias the Prophet (419 N. Grandview Ave., Dubuque)
Saturdays: Great Vespers, 4 pm
Sundays: Orthros, 9 am; Divine Liturgy, 10 am
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