“But we know that a person is not declared ‘in the right’ by observances of the Judean Law, but through the faithfulness [trust] of Jesus the Messiah.”
Read more“But we know that a person is not declared ‘in the right’ by observances of the Judean Law, but through the faithfulness [trust] of Jesus the Messiah.”
Read moreJesus says we’re the salt of the world. Why would he call us salt? What does he mean by it? In today’s episode, we explore this strange name-calling incident and learn about offering ourselves up to God.
Read moreJesus bucks traditions and finds disciples in the land of death!
Read moreToday, on The Way, we look at how the gospel message disrupts our lives and forces us to make some tough choices.
Read moreThough Ascension points us both to the Feast of Pascha behind us and the Feast of Pentecost before us, it’s more than a “link feast.” It reminds us of our own glorification. #duluth #duluthmn #twinports #superior #northshore
Read moreIn order to drink the “living water” be “reborn from above,” we must first encounter the scriptural Christ.
Read moreJesus challenges our human power with authority that was given to him by his Father. When Jesus does this, what happens to the paralytic? How does society react?
Read moreThis past Sunday, we remembered both Joseph of Arimathea, who asked for the body of Christ, and the Myrrh-Bearing women, who went to the tomb to anoint the body. Both these stories are a test of sorts The real question
Read moreWhat does the Kingdom look like? How does it treat people. Have a listen to St. John’s homily and find out!
Read moreWhat happens when our spiritual life is also full of ups and downs? Is this normal? Listen to find out!
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